NO Selling Required- Receive recurring commissions while helping Practitioners improve the efficiency and profitability of their practices.
- Simply direct Practitioners to sign up for a FREE Trial of the VYACARE, Functional Nutrition & Practice Management Software.
- When signing up, Practitioners will input a unique, 4-digit, Promo Code belonging to the Affiliate.
- The Promo Code provides the Practitioner with a $25.00 discount when they purchase a paid subscription.
- The Promo Code also links the Practitioner to the Affiliate for notifications and commission tracking.
Practitioners may include chiropractors, medical doctors, homeopaths, naturopaths, nutritionists, acupuncturists, herbalists,
craniosacral therapists, or any other healthcare professional utilizing nutritional supplementation.
- VYACARE maintains the day-to-day, service and support relationship with the Affiliate’s Practitioners.
- When a linked Practitioner purchases a VYACARE subscription, the Affiliate is immediately notified via email.
- Affiliates receive commission on each and every subscription payment made by their linked Practitioners.
For additional information or to get started, please contact:
Bud Leinenger at